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From an early age Claire knew she was different, she seemed

to work on a different frequency. Life wasn't easy for her. She never 'fitted in', never felt like she belonged.

During her Teenage years, Spirit were trying to communicate, good Spirits, and not so good ones. Being a Spirit Sensitive and an Empath can be a lonely place for a Young person.

After many years of trying to find answers, Claire found where she needed to be.

Working with Spirit for many years, using her sensitivity, and Intuition in the Paranormal Field, the time was right to dedicate her time and energies to work for Spirit fully, to commit to her calling.


Claire has found where she belongs, which is connecting with Spirit, bringing messages of love, guidance, and healing to people who need it.

Claire is based in the County of Kent, in the UK


'Being a Psychic Medium and Lightworker, working

for Spirit, is the most amazing job. 

I would never take it for granted, and feel priveliged to have this gift'


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